Daily Herald Candidate Profile – Arne Waltmire – Candidate for McHenry County Board District 6

The folllowing candidate profile was published on the Daily Herald website on October 18th.


Party: Democrat

Office Sought: McHenry County Board District 6

City: McHenry

Age: 72

Occupation: Retired Teacher

Previous offices held: McHenry Elementary School Board Member

Why are you running for this office, whether for re-election or election for the first time? Is there a particular issue that motivates you? If so, what?

I am running for office to promote a healthy environment in McHenry County.

I believe the biggest challenge facing McHenry County is to manage growth & development without negatively affecting public health, ground water, air quality & property values.

If you are an incumbent, describe your main contributions. Tell us of any important initiatives you’ve led. If you are a challenger, what would you bring to the board and what would your priority be?

I have experience working with others and listening to both sides of an issue before voting on them by serving on the McHenry Elementary School Board for 4 years. My priorities are representing the people in District 6, managing growth and promoting a healthy environment in McHenry County

Describe your position regarding the balance between county spending and revenues as it exists today, then describe the chief threats you see looming in the future and how the county should deal with them.

By using the McHenry County strategic plan to set goals and budgeting to stay within the revenue generated to achieve these goals.


The chief threat may be uncontrolled growth. I see striking a balance in managing the growth & development, and still maintaining clean air, water, and agriculture in McHenry County as a goal to work on for the County Board.

Does there need to be more bipartisanship and cooperation on the county board? If yes, what would you do to help make that happen?

Yes, I believe both parities need to work together to solve problems and make life better for McHenry County residents. We can do this by respecting everyone’s viewpoint and cooperating to reach agreements and make government work for McHenry County taxpayers.

What role should the county play in combating the opioid crisis?

The McHenry County Department of Health (MCDH) should continue its Nacarn vending machines program.

MCDH should continue working with other local organizations in educating the public on the opioid crisis, counseling, and treatment services for people with an opioid addiction.

What role should the county play in increasing affordable housing in the region?

The County could work with local communities so they can reduce zoning and building permit restrictions on housing units(apartments, multifamily housing) both in construction and rehabbing a dwelling. Also, work with local communities to see if they could offer tax incentives to create and preserve affordable housing units.

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